Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Ever-Changing Workplace

The ever-changing workplace is all about the fast changes that are taking place in the world around us. In today’s society, advances in technology have completely changed how we do business today compared to 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. Ralph Waldo Emerson paraphrased an ancient Persian proverb in his Conduct of Life: Behavior, when he wrote, "The world possesses three types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who know not that things are happening or have happened.” I would have to say that he is absolutely correct with that statement. In today’s economy, this change is happening daily. The advancements in technology have replaced the jobs that thousands of people were doing previously. Companies are downsizing at and extremely large rate. I think that people must diversify their talents and abilities because those people who specialize in only one specific field or job are being let go for those that can multitask and work in more than one specialty at a time. I think that people should continue on with educating themselves because things are constantly changing and people need to be better prepared for what lies ahead.

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